"1 Funkan dake Furete mo Ii yo… Share House no Himitsu Rule" Episode 1 introduces viewers to the intriguing dynamics of a shared living arrangement with a tantalizing twist. The story centers on Ryota Ochi, a young man who has recently moved into a new share house, only to find himself at the beck and call of his two beautiful housemates, Kanade Ayase and Momoka Hanaoka. Tasked with relentless housework, Ryota reaches his breaking point and contemplates moving out. Sensing his frustration, Kanade and Momoka propose a provocative arrangement: for every minute of housework Ryota completes, he is granted a minute of intimate interaction with them.
This unconventional agreement sets the stage for a series of enticing encounters, blending elements of romance and adult themes. The episode delves into the evolving relationships between the characters, exploring themes of desire, power dynamics, and the complexities of cohabitation. The animation brings to life the characters' emotions and interactions, enhancing the viewer's engagement with the narrative. As the first installment, it effectively sets up the premise, leaving audiences curious about the developments in subsequent episodes.