The story picks up with protagonist Naoto, a young man caught in a dangerous web of experimentation and intrigue involving the mysterious "Angels" — genetically engineered beings with extraordinary powers. As Naoto grows closer to Sarah and Leila, two Angels who have escaped their captors, their contrasting personalities add depth to their interactions. While Sarah's stoic demeanor hides a deep vulnerability, Leila's fiery disposition reveals her desperate desire for freedom.
The trio's uneasy alliance faces its first major test when they are ambushed by a squad of mercenaries sent to recapture the Angels. The ensuing battle is a standout moment of the episode, featuring fluid and dynamic animation that highlights the Angels' supernatural abilities and Naoto's resourcefulness. Amid the chaos, glimpses of Sarah’s hidden powers hint at a darker side to the Angels' origins, leaving Naoto to question whether the truth about these beings is more dangerous than their pursuers.