In "Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji: Inferno Road" Episode 1, the saga resumes immediately after the events of Urotsukidoji III. The survivors of the Azuma kingdom's devastation embark on a perilous journey toward Osaka, traveling in a futuristic tank. Their mission is to confront the Overfiend and come to terms with their destinies. Along the way, they encounter a bizarre civilization where children wield tyrannical power over adults, presenting a formidable challenge that tests their resolve. Amano Jyaku, the central figure, must navigate this treacherous landscape to safeguard his companions from the sinister ruler, Ellis. The episode seamlessly blends elements of horror and fantasy, with animation that vividly brings to life the dark and intricate world. As the narrative unfolds, themes of power dynamics, survival, and the supernatural are explored, setting the stage for the intense confrontations that lie ahead.