Futari Ecchi Episode 1 introduces viewers to the charming and humorous journey of newlyweds Makoto and Yura Onoda, both inexperienced in matters of intimacy. The episode begins with their traditional arranged marriage, setting the stage for their exploration of married life. On their wedding night, the couple's nervousness leads to a series of comedic yet endearing mishaps, highlighting their mutual naivety. Determined to build a fulfilling relationship, Makoto and Yura embark on a quest to learn about intimacy together, seeking advice from friends and various resources. This inaugural episode effectively blends romantic comedy with educational elements, offering insights into the dynamics of a young couple's sexual awakening. The animation captures the era's aesthetic, enhancing the nostalgic feel of the series. Futari Ecchi Episode 1 sets a lighthearted and informative tone, inviting viewers to follow Makoto and Yura's heartfelt and often humorous journey toward marital bliss.