Gedou Gakuen Episode 5, also known as "Night of the Demon Hunt," serves as the climactic conclusion to the Gedou Gakuen series. In this episode, the protagonist, Masao Sera, who has been possessed by the powerful demon lord Esedess, confronts the escalating chaos at Motomichi Private Academy. The campus has become a battleground where demonic entities vie for dominance, leading to widespread violence and supernatural occurrences. As Masao grapples with his inner turmoil and the malevolent force within him, his friends Akira Mido and Yuko Someya strive to save him and restore peace. The episode delves deep into themes of identity, control, and the struggle between good and evil. The animation vividly portrays the horror elements, with detailed depictions of the demonic transformations and intense confrontations. While the series is noted for its explicit content, Episode 5 emphasizes the narrative's resolution, bringing closure to the dark and complex storyline of Gedou Gakuen.