Haji+ Shinchishin Episode 1 sets the stage for a playful and provocative coming-of-age story that explores the awkward yet endearing journey of self-discovery and romantic tension. This debut introduces Makoto, a shy and inexperienced high school student, who finds his routine life turned upside down when he crosses paths with Shiori, an outgoing and bold classmate with a penchant for teasing.
The episode begins with Makoto’s mundane school life, where his timid personality makes him the target of harmless jokes from his friends. Enter Shiori, who takes an immediate interest in Makoto’s reserved demeanor and begins playfully challenging his boundaries with her flirtatious antics. Through a series of comedic and awkward situations—ranging from after-school study sessions to an accidental encounter at the school pool—Makoto finds himself both flustered and intrigued by Shiori’s confidence.
While much of the episode focuses on lighthearted humor and Makoto’s exaggerated reactions to Shiori’s advances, it also hints at deeper layers to their budding relationship. Shiori’s moments of genuine kindness and subtle vulnerability suggest there’s more to her interest in Makoto than meets the eye. Meanwhile, Makoto begins to confront his own insecurities, setting the stage for personal growth as their dynamic evolves.