Ingoku Byoutou Episode 1 introduces viewers to the ambitious Dr. Jyunichi, who is poised to become the President of Misono General Hospital. His aspirations are thwarted by the arrival of Serika, the current President's daughter, recently returned from her medical studies and designated to assume the hospital's leadership.
Determined to secure his position, Jyunichi devises a sinister plan to discredit Serika and eliminate her as a rival. The episode delves into the dark and unethical lengths Jyunichi is willing to pursue to achieve his goals, highlighting themes of ambition, betrayal, and moral corruption.
The animation vividly portrays the tense atmosphere within the hospital, with detailed character expressions that convey the psychological manipulation at play. As the narrative unfolds, viewers are drawn into a suspenseful tale of power struggles and the consequences of unchecked ambition.