"Ingoku Byoutou," also known as "Rxxx: Prescription for Pain," is a two-episode OVA series released in 2002.
The narrative centers on Jyunichi, a doctor at Misono General Hospital, who aspires to become the hospital's president. His ambitions are thwarted when Serika, the current president's daughter, returns from her medical studies, poised to assume the leadership position. In response, Jyunichi devises a malicious scheme to undermine Serika and seize control of the hospital.
In Episode 2, Jyunichi's manipulative tactics intensify as he exploits his authority to subjugate the hospital's nursing staff, aiming to consolidate his power and eliminate Serika as a rival. The episode delves into themes of corruption, coercion, and the abuse of power within a medical institution.
The animation reflects the dark and mature themes of the series, with character designs and scenes that emphasize the psychological manipulation and moral degradation present in the storyline.