Inma Daitoshi: Beast City (淫魔大都市 BEAST CITY), also known as Sex Demon Metropolis, is a dark fantasy and horror OVA series that blends eroticism with supernatural elements. The first episode, titled Vampire Madonna, introduces the protagonist, Mina, a 19-year-old vampire and beast hunter, and sets the stage for the series' central conflict.
The story begins in Tokyo, where Mina, born into a family of vampires, has vowed to hunt down and destroy the demonic Beasts—entities that disguise themselves as humans to seduce and enslave women. These Beasts are driven by their insatiable desires and pose a significant threat to the city's inhabitants. Mina, armed with her Beast-Hunter Sword, is determined to protect humanity from these malevolent forces.
In the first episode, a new woman appears at Mina's college. She appears to be the daughter of a wealthy industrialist, but beneath her human facade lies a powerful Beast. This mysterious figure seduces and destroys every male she encounters, spreading fear and chaos. When she targets one of Mina's friends, Mina realizes that the threat is more personal than she initially thought. This confrontation marks the beginning of Mina's mission to uncover the truth about the Beasts and eliminate them.
The episode explores themes of power, corruption, and the battle between good and evil. Mina's character is portrayed as strong-willed and determined, yet she is not without vulnerabilities. Her struggle to balance her vampire heritage with her desire to protect humanity adds depth to her character. The animation and artwork reflect the series' dark and atmospheric tone, with explicit scenes that emphasize the horror and eroticism of the narrative.
In summary, Episode 1 of Inma Daitoshi: Beast City introduces the central conflict and characters, blending action, horror, and psychological drama. The episode sets the tone for the series, highlighting the tension between Mina's mission and the dark forces she must confront.