In Jitaku Keibiin 2 Episode 7, titled "Younger Female Cousin, Aunt, Maid: The Wakeful Home Guard," the complex dynamics within the Haibara household intensify. Hikimori Hibara, the self-appointed guardian of the mansion, discovers that his grandfather plans to bequeath the estate to his younger cousin, who is soon to be married—a role and inheritance Hibara believed were rightfully his. Faced with the imminent arrival of new residents who threaten his secluded lifestyle, Hibara takes drastic measures to assert control and protect his perceived domain.
This episode delves deeper into Hibara's psyche, revealing his increasing desperation and the lengths he will go to maintain his authority. The interactions with his family members become more intense, highlighting the underlying tensions and the dark history that haunts the Haibara lineage.
The animation continues to portray the psychological and emotional complexities of the characters, with particular attention to the oppressive atmosphere within the mansion. The narrative's progression in this episode sets the stage for the series' climax, as Hibara's actions lead to irreversible consequences for all involved.