In Jitaku Keibiin (2019) Episode 3, titled "Target: Sayaka - Revelation of One's True Nature! Strip the Busty Honor Student's Disguise off Her," the narrative shifts focus to Sayaka, the elder stepsister. Kareki Tsunetaka, the self-proclaimed home guardian, turns his attention towards Sayaka, who is characterized as an honor student with a reserved demeanor. Utilizing his extensive surveillance setup, Tsunetaka uncovers Sayaka's private moments, aiming to expose and exploit her concealed desires. The episode delves into themes of voyeurism and manipulation, as Tsunetaka's invasive tactics lead to Sayaka's gradual submission. The animation emphasizes explicit scenes, with detailed character expressions and fluid movements enhancing the erotic atmosphere. The episode's climax reveals Sayaka's internal conflict between her public persona and hidden inclinations, adding a psychological layer to the unfolding events.