The story centers on Takumi, a hardworking and devoted boyfriend to his longtime partner, Aika. Their seemingly stable relationship is thrown into turmoil when Takumi begins to notice subtle changes in Aika’s behavior—her distant glances, late-night absences, and uncharacteristic secrecy. As Takumi struggles to bridge the growing gap between them, the arrival of Ryo, a charismatic and manipulative figure from Aika’s past, sets the stage for a devastating confrontation.
Through a series of flashbacks and present-day events, the episode gradually reveals the complicated history between Aika and Ryo. Their unresolved connection and the emotional pull Ryo exerts over Aika add layers of tension, leaving Takumi to grapple with feelings of betrayal and inadequacy. A climactic scene where Takumi inadvertently discovers the truth about Aika’s involvement with Ryo marks a turning point in the story, plunging the characters into a web of conflicting emotions.