The story continues as Akihiko, the youngest member of the Kawarazaki family, becomes increasingly suspicious of the manipulative dynamics within the household. After overhearing a heated argument between his father, Takayuki, and his ambitious older sister, Ayako, Akihiko begins to piece together fragments of a secret deal that seems to have dire implications for the family’s future. His quiet determination to uncover the truth sets the tone for the episode, as he struggles to navigate a world where loyalty and betrayal are often indistinguishable.
Meanwhile, Ayako's cunning schemes take center stage as she maneuvers to secure her position as the future head of the Kawarazaki empire. Her calculated interactions with the family’s business associates reveal both her brilliance and her ruthlessness, painting her as a formidable yet morally ambiguous character. Tensions escalate further when Ayako's estranged brother, Tatsuya, returns home, bringing unresolved grudges and fresh conflicts to the forefront.