The story focuses on the aftermath of the shocking events in the previous episode, as the family’s carefully maintained facade begins to crumble. Akihiko, the youngest heir, finds himself at the center of the unfolding chaos as he discovers a hidden journal that reveals disturbing details about his parents’ past and their ruthless pursuit of power. These revelations force Akihiko to question his role in the family and his loyalty to their legacy.
Meanwhile, rivalries within the family reach a boiling point, with tensions flaring between Ayako, the cunning and ambitious eldest daughter, and Tatsuya, the rebellious and resentful middle child. A dramatic confrontation during a family dinner exposes their conflicting desires, further fracturing the family’s unity. Amid the turmoil, Ayako uncovers evidence that someone within the household may be working to sabotage the family from within, adding a layer of mystery and paranoia to the story.