"Kigurumi Sentai Kiltian Episode 1" bursts onto the scene with a blend of high-energy action, zany humor, and a delightfully eccentric premise. This first episode sets the tone for a colorful and chaotic adventure, as a group of unlikely heroes dons bizarre animal-themed suits to protect the world from a comically sinister alien threat.
The story begins when high schooler Ryo accidentally stumbles upon an ancient artifact hidden in his school's storeroom—a mysterious kigurumi (mascot costume) resembling a red panda. To his shock, the suit grants him superhuman abilities but also binds him to a secret organization known as "Kiltian Force." Alongside Ryo, the team includes Maya, a sharp-tongued genius in a penguin suit; Kenji, a lovable oaf in a bear suit; and their reluctant leader, Yuki, who commands attention in her sleek wolf-themed costume.