Kunoichi Gakuen Ninpouchou (also known as Schoolgirl Ninja Harlem or Ninja) is an adult-oriented OVA series that blends ninja action with erotic themes. Episode 1 introduces the premise of the series, focusing on the lives of female ninjas (kunoichi) at a secretive academy. The episode sets the tone for the series with its mix of supernatural elements, intense action, and explicit content.
The story begins with the introduction of the Kunoichi Academy, a hidden school where young female ninjas are trained in both combat and seduction techniques. The protagonist, Yatsurugi Shinobu, is a skilled kunoichi who is tasked with protecting the academy from external threats. In Episode 1, Shinobu faces off against a group of rogue ninjas who attempt to infiltrate the school.
The episode highlights Shinobu's combat prowess and her ability to use seduction as a weapon, blending action with eroticism. As the conflict unfolds, Shinobu uncovers a deeper conspiracy involving a rival ninja faction, setting the stage for the series' overarching plot.