"Megane no Megami" is an adult anime series that delves into the unique fetish of its protagonist, Hiroki, a high school student with an insatiable attraction to women who wear glasses. In Episode 1, viewers are introduced to Hiroki's intimate relationship with his girlfriend, Hitomi Kurumizawa, a bespectacled beauty who indulges his desires. Their daily sexual activities are portrayed with explicit detail, emphasizing Hiroki's obsession. The plot takes a provocative turn when Hiroki's older sister, Natsume, another glasses-wearing beauty, catches them in the act. Instead of reacting with shock, Natsume decides to "punish" Hiroki for his behavior, leading to a complex and taboo exploration of sibling dynamics. The episode is marked by high-quality animation that vividly brings the characters' passions to life, focusing on the sensual allure of glasses as a central theme. The narrative intertwines eroticism with psychological elements, offering viewers a provocative glimpse into the complexities of fetishism and forbidden relationships.