Mi-da-ra Episode 1 introduces viewers to a provocative narrative that intertwines themes of desire and the supernatural. The story follows Yuuto, a university student, and his stepsister Yumi, who have harbored secret feelings for each other since Yumi joined Yuuto's family after her mother's death five years prior. Their suppressed emotions begin to surface when Yuuto comes into possession of a mysterious videotape from a woman named Sawako. This tape reveals hidden aspects of the characters' personalities, transporting them to the Meiji period, where their desires play out in unexpected ways. The episode delves into the complexities of forbidden love and the consequences of unspoken passions. The animation captures the duality of the characters' experiences, seamlessly transitioning between their modern lives and the historical setting. With its intricate plot and exploration of taboo relationships, Mi-da-ra Episode 1 offers a compelling start to a series that challenges conventional boundaries within its genre.