In Episode 1 of "Mori no Kuma-san, Toumin-chuu." (Caressing My Hibernating Bear), the story introduces Nowa, an anthropomorphic bear living in the forest, who adopts and raises a young puppy named Airi. Before entering hibernation, Nowa is concerned about Airi's ability to wean and survive during his absence. Upon awakening from hibernation, Nowa is surprised to find that Airi has matured into an adult dog. The episode explores the dynamics of their relationship as they reunite after the hibernation period. The animation captures the nuances of their interactions, emphasizing the bond that has developed between them. Voice acting adds depth to their characters, conveying the emotions and complexities of their reunion. Overall, Episode 1 sets the stage for the series' exploration of unconventional relationships, providing viewers with a blend of emotional storytelling and adult-oriented content.