Mozu no Nie (House of 100 Tongues) Episode 1 delves into the tragic decline of the once-prestigious Takashiro family. The narrative centers on Nanako Takashiro, the frail and secluded daughter, who harbors forbidden feelings for her adopted brother, Yushiro. As the family's fortunes wane, a rival faction schemes to seize their assets, targeting both Nanako and her mother, Azusa, in a series of coercive and degrading encounters. The episode explores themes of betrayal, manipulation, and the erosion of noble lineage. The animation vividly portrays the psychological and physical turmoil endured by the Takashiro women, with detailed character designs that capture their vulnerability and despair. Overall, Mozu no Nie Episode 1 offers a dark and intense narrative, appealing to viewers interested in adult-themed anime that explore the depths of human depravity and the consequences of familial downfall.