Nozoki Kanojo is an OVA series that delves into themes of voyeurism and complex relationships. In Episode 1, viewers are introduced to Kaede Yoshizawa, an honor student whose daily routine includes conversing with the school guard, Mr. Hiiragi, after watering the flowers. Kaede's life takes an unexpected turn when she accidentally witnesses her best friend, Youko, engaging in intimate activities with the new security guard, Hiroyasu. This discovery leads Kaede into a series of events where she becomes entangled in a web of voyeurism and manipulation. The episode explores the psychological complexities of desire and the consequences of hidden obsessions. The animation captures the tension and emotional turmoil experienced by the characters, with expressive character designs that enhance the storytelling. Overall, Nozoki Kanojo Episode 1 sets the stage for a provocative narrative that examines the darker aspects of human relationships.