The narrative centers on Ryuuji Ooki, who harbors unresolved feelings for his brother's wife. These emotions resurface when his niece, Rinka, runs away from home and seeks refuge with him. Rinka's striking resemblance to her mother intensifies Ryuuji's internal conflict, leading to a complex and morally ambiguous relationship.
In Episode 6, the series reaches its climax as the intricate dynamics between Ryuuji, Rinka, and her mother, Haruka, culminate in a dramatic and unsettling conclusion. The episode delves into themes of forbidden desire, manipulation, and the consequences of unresolved emotions, providing a provocative and intense viewing experience.
The animation maintains a consistent quality throughout the series, with character designs that effectively convey the psychological tension and emotional turmoil of the protagonists. The art style complements the dark and mature themes, enhancing the overall impact of the narrative.