In Episode 3 of "Papa Datte, Shitai," titled "Sometimes Even the Father Has the Right To Be Pampered," the relationship between Kōya Asumi, a university student working as a housekeeper, and Keiichi Naruse, a single father, becomes more intimate. After a day of work and caring for his son, Naruse feels overwhelmed and seeks comfort in Asumi's presence. Asumi, recognizing Naruse's vulnerability, offers emotional support, leading to a deepening of their bond. The episode explores themes of vulnerability, support, and the complexities of developing a romantic relationship under unconventional circumstances. The animation and voice acting effectively convey the characters' emotions, highlighting the tenderness and tension in their interactions. Overall, Episode 3 delves deeper into the evolving dynamics between Asumi and Naruse, providing viewers with a blend of emotional storytelling and adult-oriented content.