"Reiju Gakuen," also known as "Xtra Credit," is a two-episode OVA series released in 2002.
The narrative centers on Hara Miyuki, a new instructor at a prestigious academy, who faces challenges with delinquent students disrupting her classes. Seeking advice, she turns to her colleague, Itou Keiko, who introduces her to unconventional and morally questionable methods to assert control and discipline over the students. These methods involve explicit and coercive acts, leading to a series of debased examinations and power dynamics within the school.
The episode delves into themes of authority, submission, and the ethical boundaries of educational practices. The animation emphasizes the erotic aspects of the storyline, with detailed character designs and explicit scenes characteristic of the hentai genre. The portrayal of the power struggle between teachers and students adds a layer of psychological tension, engaging viewers in the controversial and provocative narrative.