"Renseijutsushi Collet no H na Shibo Shirage Monogatari" (The Tale of Colette the Alchemist's Erotic Semen Extraction) is an adult-oriented anime series that follows Colette, an apprentice alchemist who inherits her master's workshop and embarks on various adventures.
In Episode 4, titled "The Tomboyish Trap Chris! A Pretty Boyslut Behind a Cute Face!" Colette encounters Chris, a character who initially appears to be a charming and delicate girl but is later revealed to be a cross-dressing boy. Chris expresses a keen interest in Colette and proposes engaging in intimate activities. The episode delves into explicit encounters between Colette, Chris, and Emilia—a self-proclaimed genius magician—exploring themes of seduction and the complexities of gender identity. The animation is noted for its detailed character designs and explicit content, contributing to the series' mature and erotic atmosphere.