Sei Shoujo Sentai Lakers EX Episode 1 kicks off an action-packed and sensual story centered around a group of powerful young women who band together to protect humanity from sinister forces. Set in a futuristic world teetering on the edge of chaos, the series follows the "Lakers," a covert team of heroines endowed with unique powers and bound by a shared mission to thwart an evil organization intent on global domination.
The episode begins with Ayaka, a fiery and determined leader of the Lakers, responding to a sudden surge in demonic activity in the city. Alongside her teammates—each with distinct personalities and combat styles—Ayaka engages in a high-stakes battle against grotesque creatures wreaking havoc. During the conflict, the team discovers that the attacks are part of a larger, more insidious plan orchestrated by a shadowy villain whose motives remain shrouded in mystery.