In Episode 3 of "Shikkoku no Shaga The Animation," titled "The Legend of Night Gleam," the narrative reaches a pivotal moment as Shaga and Yoshitsune continue their journey toward Hiraizumi. Set against the backdrop of the late Heian Era, Shaga, a formidable tengu, has taken the orphaned Yoshitsune under her wing, guiding and protecting him from the relentless pursuit of Taira clan assassins. As they navigate the perilous path to Hiraizumi, both characters undergo profound personal transformations, discovering new facets of themselves and their relationship. The episode masterfully blends elements of historical drama and supernatural intrigue, with animation that vividly brings to life the rich tapestry of feudal Japan. The evolving bond between Shaga and Yoshitsune adds emotional depth, exploring themes of loyalty, identity, and self-discovery. "The Legend of Night Gleam" serves as a compelling continuation of their saga, offering viewers a captivating blend of action, emotion, and artistry.