"Shin Angel," also known as "New Angel," is a 1994 anime series that blends elements of romance, comedy, and eroticism. In Episode 1, viewers are introduced to Kousuke Atami, a high school student who discovers that his childhood friend, Shizuka Himenogi, has transferred to his school. Having been apart since they were five years old, both have undergone significant changes, leading to initial friction. However, they gradually accept each other's differences and rekindle their friendship. As the episode unfolds, Kousuke's kind heart, combined with his lecherous tendencies and a streak of luck, entangles him in various intimate encounters as he attempts to assist young women with their personal dilemmas.
The episode explores themes of nostalgia, personal growth, and the complexities of adolescent relationships. The animation reflects the mid-'90s aesthetic, with expressive character designs that enhance both the comedic and romantic aspects of the narrative. The interplay between Kousuke and Shizuka sets the stage for a series that delves into the humorous and often risqué adventures of its protagonist.