"Shin Angel," also known as "New Angel," is a 1994 anime series that intertwines themes of romance, comedy, and eroticism. In Episode 4, titled "A Bride for a Week," the narrative continues to follow Kousuke Atami, a high school student whose good heart, lechery, and luck lead him into the beds of various young women as he attempts to solve their problems.
In this episode, Kousuke's childhood friend, Shizuka Himenogi, who has become a queen of the fight, returns after 13 years of absence to Kunitachi, seeking to reconnect with Kousuke. Their reunion is marked by a series of comedic and erotic escapades, as Kousuke's lecherous tendencies and Shizuka's combative nature lead to a tumultuous yet affectionate relationship.
The episode delves into themes of rekindled relationships and the complexities of adolescent desires, all while maintaining a humorous tone. The animation reflects the mid-'90s style, with expressive character designs that enhance the comedic and romantic elements of the story. The blend of humor, romance, and eroticism in "Shin Angel" offers a distinctive viewing experience for fans of adult-oriented anime from that era.