Shin Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji Mataiden Episode 1 plunges viewers into a dark and intricate narrative that bridges historical events with supernatural horror. The episode opens in Nazi Germany, 1944, where a sinister ritual led by Dr. Munhihausen Sr. aims to dissolve the boundaries between the Human World, the World of Man-Beasts, and the World of Monster Demons, intending to summon the omnipotent Overfiend.
Transitioning to modern-day Tokyo, the story follows Munhihausen Jr., who seeks a being powerful enough to challenge the Overfiend, driven by a prophecy that slaying the Overfiend grants dominion over all three realms. His quest leads him to Takeaki Kiryu, cousin of Tatsuo Nagumo, who begins to manifest monstrous abilities after a blood transfusion from Nagumo. As Takeaki grapples with his emerging powers, Amano Jyaku, his sister Megumi, and their ally Kuroko strive to thwart Munhihausen Jr.'s malevolent plans.
The episode masterfully intertwines themes of power, corruption, and the struggle between predestined roles and personal agency. The animation vividly portrays the grotesque and the supernatural, enhancing the narrative's dark atmosphere. The character designs and action sequences are rendered with meticulous detail, immersing viewers in a world where the lines between humanity and monstrosity blur. Overall, Shin Choujin Densetsu Urotsukidouji Mataiden Episode 1 offers a compelling continuation of the Urotsukidouji saga, blending historical intrigue with supernatural elements to create a captivating viewing experience.