"Shitai o Arau: The Animation" is an adult-oriented OVA series released in 2003, based on an erotic video game by Silky's.
The narrative centers on Seiji Yasaka, a ronin aspiring to become a doctor. To pursue his dream, he takes a part-time job as a corpse washer at a hospital. During his tenure, he develops feelings for Nurse Yūki Midō. However, the hospital's deputy director, Chigusa Tsuyusaki, harbors her own desires for Seiji. As the story unfolds, Seiji uncovers a macabre secret: the nurses are reanimated corpses, part of a project to bring them back to life. He eventually discovers that he, too, is among the walking dead. The series delves into themes of corruption and the fragility of the mind in the face of such revelations.
The animation is noted for its explicit content, including themes of necrophilia and non-consensual acts, making it suitable only for mature audiences. The art style reflects the early 2000s aesthetic, with character designs and settings that contribute to the dark and suspenseful atmosphere of the series. The storytelling combines elements of horror and erotica, creating a narrative that is both unsettling and provocative.