Shoujo Auction Episode 1 introduces viewers to a clandestine society where virgins are auctioned to the highest bidders. The narrative centers on three young women—Gin, Umi, and Yukina—each driven by personal motives to participate in this illicit market. Under the supervision of Shirohebi, a dominant woman, and her partner Rongai, the girls undergo rigorous examinations to confirm their virginity, ensuring their eligibility for the auction. As the episode unfolds, it delves into the backgrounds of each girl, revealing the circumstances that led them to this desperate choice. Gin seeks to escape a troubled past, Umi aims to settle debts, and Yukina desires to take control of her destiny. Through their interactions with Shirohebi and Rongai, the girls confront their fears and insecurities, leading to transformative experiences that empower them to reclaim control over their lives.