In Shuumatsu no Harem Episode 7, titled "Assigned to Me," the narrative delves into Shouta Doi's experiences within the all-girls school. Karen informs Shouta that he is confined to the school until graduation. Subsequently, the class conducts a lottery to select his new roommate, resulting in Rikka Yanagi's selection. However, Shouta, reminded of Erika by Rikka, seeks refuge in the teacher's lounge, where he encounters Shunka Hiiragi. Shunka shares her past experiences of being bullied, creating a bond with Shouta, which leads to an intimate encounter. Rikka, feeling it was her turn, confronts Shunka, prompting Shouta to flee once more. He attempts to contact Yuzuki but receives no response. Later, Akira Toudou, who previously hit him with a volleyball, apologizes and seduces him. Karen then arranges for different girls to serve as his daily companions. After an incident with Rikka, Karen orders Ichijou, Shunka, and Akira to spend the night with him simultaneously. Chifuyu Rehn Kuroda also attempts to seduce him, but he declines due to her childlike appearance. Karen informs Shouta of Yuzuki's departure, leading to his increased assertiveness with the girls. The episode concludes with the arrival of Shion Hoshino, a girl who previously ignored him, transferring into the school, leaving Shouta shocked.