Succubus Appli: Gakuen Saimin Episode 1 introduces viewers to a steamy and surreal story set in a seemingly normal high school, where supernatural temptations and hypnotic intrigue collide. The episode begins with protagonist Yuuya, a socially awkward but kind-hearted student, stumbling across a mysterious app on his smartphone. The "Succubus App," as it’s called, promises the ability to influence those around him—but at a cost. Hesitant yet intrigued, Yuuya accidentally activates the app, setting the stage for a cascade of chaotic and provocative events.
As the app’s effects start to manifest, Yuuya finds himself the unlikely center of attention from several of his female classmates, including the shy and bookish Misaki, the confident and alluring school idol Ayane, and even his strict homeroom teacher. While the comedic and ecchi scenarios unfold, the episode hints at a darker mystery behind the app itself, as a shadowy figure watches Yuuya’s actions from afar, suggesting that he may be a pawn in a larger, sinister game.