Tsugunai Episode 1 launches viewers into a gripping tale of redemption, mystery, and the supernatural, set against a hauntingly atmospheric backdrop. The story begins with the troubled protagonist, Ryuuji, a former mercenary burdened by the weight of his past sins. In a fateful encounter, he finds himself bound to an ancient ritual of atonement, where his soul is tasked with helping others resolve their lingering regrets in order to find peace.
Episode 1 introduces this compelling premise as Ryuuji awakens in a small, desolate village shrouded in an eerie mist. Here, he meets Ayame, a mysterious shrine maiden who serves as his guide in this otherworldly journey. His first mission centers around a grieving mother whose child disappeared under inexplicable circumstances. As Ryuuji delves deeper into the case, he discovers unsettling clues hinting at supernatural interference, all while battling his own doubts and guilt.