"Tsuma Netori Zero: My Mistake, Her Choice" is an adult-oriented anime that delves into themes of desire, betrayal, and the complexities of human relationships. Episode 1, titled "My Mistake, Her Choice," premiered on October 18, 2024.
The narrative centers on Takafumi, who is preparing breakfast for his wife, Makoto. Makoto, appearing preoccupied, hurriedly leaves for work, mentioning her recent involvement in assisting her senior teacher, Yasuno. Later that day, Takafumi is summoned to the president's office, where he learns about an opportunity to open his own store—a dream he's long harbored. This opportunity arises through Yasuno's connections, intertwining their personal and professional lives.
As the episode unfolds, the characters confront their desires and the consequences of their choices, leading to intense emotional and physical encounters. The storyline delves into the darker aspects of relationships, highlighting how moments of weakness can lead to life-altering outcomes.
This episode sets the stage for a gripping tale filled with unexpected twists, emotional turmoil, and a raw exploration of human nature, appealing to viewers interested in mature-themed narratives.