The story follows Shunsuke, a hapless young man who finds himself entangled in a comedic whirlwind when he inadvertently becomes the assistant to Yuna, a gorgeous but highly eccentric artist. Yuna’s unconventional approach to her craft involves using Shunsuke as both her inspiration and her unwitting muse, leading to a series of increasingly risqué and laugh-out-loud scenarios. Amid the chaos, Shunsuke begins to see past Yuna’s flamboyant exterior, uncovering her deeper motivations and vulnerabilities.
With vibrant animation and a lively sense of humor, U-Jin Brand Episode 1 captures the essence of its eclectic style, delivering an episode that is as entertaining as it is provocative. Its mix of cheeky humor, colorful visuals, and endearing character moments makes this debut a memorable introduction to the anthology’s unique blend of romance and comedy.