Vicious Episode 1 plunges viewers into a gritty and unapologetically intense world, where betrayal and vengeance are the driving forces behind a dark and suspenseful narrative. The story centers on Kaito, a former enforcer for a notorious crime syndicate, who is betrayed by his closest allies and left for dead. Against all odds, Kaito survives, his will fueled by a burning desire for revenge and redemption.
The episode opens with a heart-pounding sequence depicting the betrayal that changes Kaito’s life forever, as his once-loyal comrades turn on him in a violent ambush. Left with nothing but his rage and a thirst for justice, Kaito begins his journey to dismantle the syndicate from the inside out. Along the way, he forms uneasy alliances with characters whose motives are as murky as his own, creating an intricate web of loyalty and deception.