"Youjuu Kyoushitsu Gaiden," also known as "Demon Beast Resurrection," is a 1995 adult-oriented anime series that delves into themes of horror and eroticism. In Episode 3, the narrative continues to explore the sinister connection between the Demon Beast and the protagonist, Kayo Asakura. Kayo, bound by a forbidden past and a horrifying encounter, shares a psychic link with the Beast, which seeks to return to Earth to commence its reign of terror.
The episode delves deeper into Kayo's internal struggle as she grapples with her connection to the Demon Beast and the impending threat it poses to humanity. The animation reflects the mid-'90s aesthetic, with detailed character designs that enhance the horror elements of the narrative. The storyline intensifies as Kayo's tortured soul calls out across dimensions, setting the stage for the Demon Beast's return and the ensuing chaos.